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Author's Disclosure
An artist's purpose is to evoke emotion and/or dialogue of the masterpiece created, without either, it's no longer art, let alone a masterpiece. This blog represents the author's original writing and makes no apology for posts resulting in experiencing a sense of discomfort when reading his own personal reflections, thoughts, affirmations, observations and opinions of his journey in finding his way through a complicated world, of his so called life. The author requests readers remain mindful of dates when a post was written. Many of the earlier posts were academic assignments with guidelines to uphold the integrity and standards of a specific writing style. One or a combination of formatting, rhyming schemes, syllable counts, themes and specific guidelines which were up to self-interpretation and self-discovery. This set the tone for the author's tone and unique writing style. He requests readers remain open-minded to viewpoints differing from their own. The author strongly believes "we can disagree and still remain friends" and welcomes respectful dialogue and questioning of his writings. However; hateful disagreement our outright dismissal or suggesting the author's writings are inherently wrong will not be tolerated and may not be conducive to constructive conversation.
Why Haiku!?
2024 Daily Challenge - Haiku!
I belong to a writing club and our facilitator (friend) gave us a challenge to take on 01.01.24.
I was challenged by this friend to use one style of writing and post every day a learned lesson of life or a positive affirmation every day of 2024. The writing style must remain the same for the duration of the challenge. All free form writing that is anything but narratives (poems, limericks, sonnets, etc) less than 1000 words must post daily while narratives exceeding 2500 words once a week. Anything in between at least 3 times a week. You must keep all grammatical, syntax, rhyming and syllable counts but can vary on themes and content.
I wimped out on the second part of the challenge as I picked Haiku as my writing style as it was simple.
A haiku is a Japanese poem of three lines consisting of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. Typically, covering images of nature but I’ll take my spin on it for this challenge.
I like to write about my life’s observations, lessons learned and self affirmations as I try to find my way through a complicated world.
Eventually, they’ll make it to my blog but for now here’s my attempt at a haiku a day for 365 days enjoy my Nuts, Bolts and Everything Else.
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Unsplash grants irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use images from Unsplash for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Unsplash.
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